Thursday, July 20, 2006

The Glamour of the Zine Show Reception!

Hello Zine Fiends!

Well, I went to the reception of the Zine Show at The Junc Gallery/ Giant Robot infusion there in the Silverlake Junction last Friday. A mere 6 days ago. I know, I'm a little slow to blog on this, but my work load has been getting top priority. And since I'm heading down to The Comicon in San Diego at the crack of Dawn Friday morning I figured I had better get moving on this. There were some very cool zines there by a wide range of people that I loved. I have pics of some of them here and shots of the crowd as it became ever thicker on an extremely hot evening in LA. But we were there for the love and for the zines. Mark Todd and Esther Pearl Watson were in full force signing copies of their new book "Whatcha Mean, What's a Zine?" and shaking hands. The show celebrated zine makers and the launch of M and E's new book that we all were a part of.
  • Whatcha Mean, What's a Zine?
  • In fact, if you go down to Comicon, please stop by the Giant Robot booth and meet Mark and Esther and at some me! Their book is fabulous and so are all of Esther's "Unloveable" zines. Between the 2 of them they must have a hundred different zines that are all good. I especially love Mark's zine "Malcolm" which is based on his dad, a great and multi-leveled personality to be sure.
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    So, here are a few of my favorite zines. Peter Hamlin had a gorgeous zine that was snapped up real quick and it was no surprise either because it was a crowd favorite. Ron Rege' had a zine that I drooled did Saelee Oh and Souther Salazar. Martha Rich's zine was hysterical and brilliant. It was hand-painted and collaged to the hilt. Full of personality, much like her. Calef Brown had a great little zine of drawings done with a fine point Rapidograph. If you are a fan of his work, as I am, you would want to pick this one up. David Miller did a beautiful zine of ink and washes filled with his characters. I just wish I had a better shot of it than I have here. There was a funny zine about all of Liz Taylor's husbands that I wish I had come up with. And of course there were my zines. (See previous post!) All of these are available through The Junc Gallery and their website See the link here to purchase them one and all.
  • Junc Gallery

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