Friday, April 17, 2015

Joe Rocco Interviewed on KCHUNG Radio's "The Comic Show"

Last September I was interviewed on KCHUNG radio on "The Comic Show" down in Chinatown. Here's the archived show if anyone would like to listen. I couldn't believe that anybody would be interested in what I had to say and the work I've done in this unstable industry. But, I was among friends with Mike Kelley and Mark Todd, who were a blast to talk with about this.


  1. By the way Mandy, If you use Firefox, you can hit the "Save as" feature to save an "iTunes quality" mp3 of the show and then edit the section you wanted from that by literally shaving off the "before and after" audio or copying and pasting the section you want into a new mp3 file. There's freeware out there, like "Audacity" to help you edit if you need that.
